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Realm Makers Scrapbook! (2024)

Writer's picture: Hannah MaeHannah Mae

Updated: Sep 17, 2024

Aah, the 2024 Realm Makers Conference…

A month has already passed, yet its magic lingers—magic that only comes from the likes of God Himself. What other earth-bound gathering is quite like it? Where writers of faith answer the call across the nation? Where nerdy fandoms and Scriptural truth are celebrated? Where the 'C.S. Lewis'es and 'J.R.R. Tolkien's of our day are nurtured and trained? Where Gospel living and writing excellence are not separate entities but recognized as inseparably linked? Nowhere but the Realm Maker’s Conference, that’s where!

First time I attended a Realm Makers Conference, this imaginative nutball learned she wasn’t alone. That hundreds of Christians were just like me. Christ indeed holds special places in His designs for His hardworking, storytelling daydreamers, and He richly gifted us to be so. Then came last year. The product of my labors, Celestial, was graciously recognized by Realm Makers, and they humbled me by bestowing it a place among their award Finalists. After a high like that, I couldn’t wait to see what God planned for those precious three days here in 2024.

Obviously, I couldn’t go anywhere without Lady Julia of the Nutcracker Legion! My traveling bestie rejoined my side for another incredible quest at Realm Makers, and long had we sharpened our swords in anticipation. A litany of mentor appointments and book pitches awaited her. As for me, my dreams of game designer-ship reached its peak with my first ever videogame pitch appointment! Nervous as we were, we blew into the convention and rose to the occasion with eagerness in our hearts and fun T-shirts on our backs! We came. We saw. We conquered!

Of course, one bare second is all it takes to feel every attendee bursting to life with one another! No one stayed the lonely wanderer. No one walked alone for long. Everyone welcomed everyone with open arms. Because no matter distance; no matter background; no matter genre or preference; we weren’t merely speculative writers. We were Realmies! All of us were saved by grace through Christ, and we were all united by one goal and one purpose…to know Christ and make Christ known through our stories!

Countless new faces withheld nothing to me about their passions and faith the entire weekend! Dan Daetz (left) shared his tales of intergalactic blackholes and shared prayers with me over our pitch appointments. Amy Bryant (center) flew all the way from New Zealand to come. We knew each other digitally up till then, but finally, we had our chance to finally hear each other’s voices speaking Christ and our love for the writing craft! Even Ana Bright (right), a lady I’ve only connected with online, personally sought me out just so she could pray and laugh with me!

There were many happy reunions too! How could I forget my intrepid critique partner, Crystal Grant (left)? After we spent years raising our books Celestial and Shadowcast side-by-side together, we finally held each other’s books! There also was my rival-turned-friend, Bryan Mitchell (center) from the 2023 Awards! Our tournament for the Supernatural/Horror title ended with him the victor last year. This year, I had the privilege of watching him once again ride home with another deserved win. (Congrats, Bryan!) Then L. A. Thornhill (right), my friend from the Texan plains, returned with her Game Theory backpack. But, this time, as a Finalist for 'Best Short Story' as well! We gamers always share a special affinity for each another—especially female, Christian gamers with a taste for the writing arts.

New friendly alliances were forged too. Miss Kailee Sullivan (left) may be largely new to writing, but she floored me by her remarkable kindness and the depthness of her faith. She possesses the makings of a fantastic writer! Randy Bruhn of SOMA Games (center) welcomed my aspirations for future game-designer-ship with open arms, and another promising new writer, Bailey Gibbons, (right) struck a friendship with me within minutes of our first meeting!

Conferences like this weren’t birthed out of nowhere, of course. It took many special people to answer God's inspirational call to turn Realm Makers from thought into reality. Scott and Becky Minor, (lovingly dubbed the ‘King and Queen of the Realm’) first founded this organization, and they ruled over its workers with kind benevolence. Volunteers set the tables. Technicians ran cameras and lights. Teachers taught classes. Shopkeepers ran the store, and each one bared their soul in fullness of faith. Even our valiant combat master, Carla Hotch, who showed us powerful throws, showed us her far more powerful testimony! From Allen Arnold, to Chris Skaggs, to Pat and Ginger; their message rang clear: Jesus ALONE grants true, original creativity…. Jesus ALONE redeems us from sin….and creators who spend time with the Creator ALONE hold the power and authority to reveal His Gospel and His glory to a world sorely in need! Not with mediocre tales but with the best and most riveting of epics!

We Realmies thrived. We played. We practiced. We worshiped.

We produced fantastical, intergalactic, and suspenseful tales. Not even other creative skills and hobbies could be kept from the bookstore’s tables!

Kitchens filled our stomachs with delicious meals; while those we ate with filled our hearts with joy.

The animals—real, painted, and knitted—too joined the fun! Even my faithful knitted turtle, Tori Tortuga, and Julia’s little lady-in-waiting, Ruth, couldn’t help enjoying books while Julia and I galivanted about!

For indeed, adventures awaited around every corner…

…from technical difficulties…

… to disappearing and reappearing teachers…

….to random sparring in the hallways…

….to teenie eyes that spied on us from tiny perches. At Realm Makers, the surprises never cease.

More ‘firsts’ besides a game pitch came my way this year too! I placed my first novel in the bookstore (center) for one thing. For another, I donated my first raffle gift in the history of EVER!(right and left) It was quite fun! Admittedly, my offering seemed puny compared to the blades and the wooded shield others presented. Still, the winner of my basket found me. He turned out to be yet another friend I knew online! It did my heart good to see him again and to see my gift bless his day!

But, of course, there was the night of nights. The most royal of balls. The Awards Costume Gala! I had no fairy godmother. No wand. Nor a genie, but who needed those when I had an orange wig and my one-eyed colleague?