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Biblical Creativity!
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- Bible Intro -
Get to know the ultimate resource! What sets the Bible apart from other books, worldviews, and beliefs? Is it truly an ironclad and trustworthy foundation?

- Scripture Gleaning -
Learn how to study! Anyone can read the Bible, but how should we study it? What approach should you take? How can you tell if you're understanding God’s Word correctly?

- Applications -
Facts to principles! Unused knowledge is unhelpful, and some questions lack direct Biblical answers. How do we navigate vague areas? Exaclty how effective is Biblical principle?

- Gospel Construction -
Build upon life’s source code! The Gospel isn’t just a story. It’s 'the' story; the one that makes the world go round. What makes the Gospel so centric? Why structure your projects around it?

What is Biblical Creativity?
Biblical Creativity isn’t about adapting Bible stories. It’s both an artistic method and a way of life. Most writers, musicians, artists, and developers consider the Bible an inhibitor—an outdated text of ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ best ignored to achieve creative freedom. Little do they realize how chained down they truly are by conflicting opinions (Eph. 4:17-18). Imagination truly flies highest on faith’s wings. For God’s Word is ceaselessly relevant, active, and applicable to every aspect of life: creativity included (Heb. 4:12). So Biblical Creativity is not a genre. It’s a conscious, daily choice.
How Does Biblical Creativity Work?
Creatives strive after inspiration and strain to express life’s deepest truths, but striking emotional chords is tough when using mankind’s skewed and shifting viewpoints. Thus, Biblical Creativity is proactive reorientation. Who’s measure best evaluates reality and life? The Divine Author declared, “I AM the Life!” (Jh. 14:6). His Word revealed the mind of Christ, after whom, by whom, and through whom all existence was patterned (Jh. 1:1-4). Therefore, the Biblical Creative Method relies on a singular belief. That no better resource besides the Bible exists that can untether limited minds and guide their ‘What’s, ‘How’s, and ‘Why’s (Ps. 119:97-104).

What's Biblical Creativity's Goal?
Biblical Creativity is freedom. Freedom from cliches. Freedom from fabricated limits. Freedom from shallow niceties and harmful concepts, and all without needless sacrificing of one’s own sanity and health. However, these freedoms aren’t Biblical Creativity’s prime goal. Outpacing or outdoing competitors isn’t the point. Nor is it about creating original works that break expectations. It’s about nurturing a lifestyle, where an apprentice and the Master become one. It’s creative freedom to draw ever closer to Christ in intimate partnership. (Jh. 17:20-22)
Who is the Biblical Creative Method For?

The Biblical Creative Method isn’t exclusively for artists. No matter who you are, God imparted ALL humans with creative drives (Gen. 1:27-28). We apply it daily in our actions, words, and thoughts. However, few received access to the Great Creator’s heart (Eph. 2:17-19); something Biblical Creativity requires. Sin rendered all hearts incapable of comprehending Him (Isa. 55:7-9), so to use the Biblical Creative Method, the Gospel must transform your heart first. Not only would you then be freed; your new nature will long after Christ (Ro. 6:15-23). This grace is gifted to all who repent and seek it in earnest (Mat. 7:7-8). So ask! Jesus will lift you from death and teach your newfound faith to fly. Then let His wings soar your life ever higher!
Meet the Founder!
Avid student of God’s Word, Hannah Mae, possessed many creative interests. Then the Lord turned her life upside down, when He incited her to turn one of her game designs into her first novel: Celestial (ACFW ‘First Impressions’ Award - 1st Place; Realm Awards - Finalist). That decade-long journey deeply challenged and enriched Hannah’s faith. Inspired by that experience, she built this website all for the purpose of encouraging and equipping others to pursue Christ in their life and creativity as well!