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Bible Introduction

Putting on Your Wings
Putting on Your Wings

So What Exactly Is the Bible?

Get to know the ultimate resource! What sets the Bible apart from other books, worldviews, and beliefs? Is it truly an ironclad and trustworthy foundation?

What's the Bible's Story?

Get to know the ultimate resource! What sets the Bible apart from other books, worldviews, and beliefs? Is it truly an ironclad and trustworthy foundation?

How Do We Know the Bible is True?

Featuring Articles and Tools from Answers in Genesis

Get to know the ultimate resource! What sets the Bible apart from other books, worldviews, and beliefs? Is it truly an ironclad and trustworthy foundation?

Bible Book Rundown...

Featuring Video Links from The Bible Project

- Old Testament - 


In the beginning...


Covers the beginning of time from creation to the lives of the Israeli Patriarchs from Abraham to Joseph. Sets the ultimate standards of life and the overarching themes the rest of Scripture echoes from God's holiness, to man's sinfulness, to His redemptive plan through Christ.


I will walk among you and will be your God...


For their benefit and safety, God gives the Israelites protocols and rules for worship so they could safely enjoy, abide, and flourish in His presence. They must out of love respect His deity. Emphasizes God's glorious holiness and His loving desire to bless and dwell among His people.


I also established my covenant...


God delivers the Israelites from slavery to establish a covenant relationship between them for the future Gospel restoration of the world. This covenant is quickly broken, but God remains mercifully faithful to His Gospel plans. Jesus would perfectly fulfill the original Old Covenant Israel failed to keep.


You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart...


God instructs the new generation of Israelites. He promises national blessings for their obedience and inevitable judgements for their disobedience. Shows God's ways produce plentiful peace; alternative ways bring destruction; and humans are unable to obey God perfectly. A Savior must change their hearts.


I will walk among you and will be your God...


Isreal refuses God's promised land and leadership. AS a result God judges them to wander the desert until their generation's numbers die off and the next generation's numbers arise. A sobering account about the consequences of refusing God's good plans.

Continue Your Flight...


Scripture Gleaning -

Link Coming Soon!

Applications -


Gospel Construction -

Link Coming Soon!

Further Assistance for Your Biblical Creative Flight...

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